Computational Study on the Isomers of Cyanopolyacetylenes H(C$\equiv$C)nC$\equiv$N (n=1-3)


Density functional theory calculations are presented for the geometrical isomers of the cyanopolyacetylenes H(C≡C)n,,C≡N (n = I-3). The structures, hartmonic frequencies and dipole moments are computed, employing the 6-311G** basis set. The ener gies of barrier to isomerization (exchange of carbon and nitrogen atoms) are also computed in order to estimate the stability of the isomers in interstellar space.



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Cited by

  1. Structure, Spectroscopic Properties and Reactions of Interstellar Molecule HC2N and Isomers :Ab initio Study vol.23, pp.11, 2002,
  2. Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Dicyanoacetylene and Isomers: Density Functional Theory Study vol.48, pp.6, 2000,