Recognition Level of Organization, Motivation and Job Satisfaction Factors of the Staff of Health Centers

보건소직원의 조직에 대한 인식과 동기부여요인 및 직무만족요인

  • Published : 2000.09.01


This study was conducted to help staff members of health centers manage personnel by examining the staff members' recognition level of organization structure of health centers, their motivation, their job satisfaction level and its related factors. Data were collected from 471 staff members of 14 health centers from March 3, 1999 to April 30, 1999. The results of this study are summarized as follows. In recognition levels of organization structure of health centers, the recognition level of necessity of discretion right was highest(3.55 points on the base of 5 points), while the recognition level of the location of decision making right was lowest(2.77 points). The general recognition of organization structure of health centers was 3.06 points, the suitability of division of duties was 3.05 points, and the optimum of manpower and budget was 2.93 points. The staff members' general recognition level of the organization structure appeared significantly higher in case of the groups of small and medium sized cities, above fifties, below high school graduate, above the sixth grade, public service experience of above 20 years, service period of below 2 years at present post, and average monthly salary of one million, eight hundred and ten thousand won. In the recognition level of the location of decision making right, the groups of big cities, male, the married, above the sixth grade, health and administration posts, average monthly salary of one million, three hundred and ten thousand won to one million, and eight hundred thousand won were significantly higher than the other groups. The recognition level of necessity of discretion right was higher in case of the groups of the twenties, the unmarried, above college graduate, nursing post, public service experience of below 5 years, service period of below 2 years at present post, and average monthly salary of below eight hundred thousand won. In the recognition level of suitability of division of duties, the groups of small and medium sized cities, the married, medical technicians, public service experience of above 20 years, and service period of below 4 years at present post were significantly higher than the other groups. In the staff members' recognition levels of organization management, the recognition level of opinion response when making decision was highest(2.92 points). The recognition level of rationality of the target amount establishment method was 2.88 points and the recognition level of personnel management was 2.63 points. The recognition level of personnel management was significantly higher in case of the groups of small and medium sized cities, the forties, above the sixth grade, medical technicians, public service experience of above 20 years, service period of below 2 years at present post, and average monthly salary of above one million, eight hundred and ten thousand won. In the recognition level of opinion response when making decision, the groups of small and medium sized cities, female, the eighth grade, health and administration posts, and service period of below 2 years at present post were higher than the other groups. The recognition level of rationality of the target amount establishment method was significantly higher in case of the groups of above fifties, below high school graduate, above the sixth grade, medical service post, and public service experience of 15 to 20 years. The factors significantly influencing sanitation were sex, education level, the period of public service experience, general recognition of organization structure, recognition of necessity of discretion right, recognition of suitability of division of duties, and recognition of opinion response when making decision. The factors which significantly influenced motivation were marital status, grade, recognition of the location of decision making right, recognition of necessity of discretion right, recognition of division of duties, recognition of opinion response when making decision, and sanitation. Sex, education level, recognition of suitability of division of duties, recognition of the target amount establishment method, and motivation influenced job satisfaction significantly. The factors significantly influencing organization culture were age, the period of public service experience, service period at present post, recognition of optimum of manpower and budget, recognition of suitability of division of duties, recognition of opinion response when making decision, and recognition of rationality of the target amount establishment method. In the coming days, the staff members' job satisfaction level must be increased through motivation and efficient conduct of duty must be accomplished through rational organization structure and management. Moreover, change of the staff members' consciousness and administrative system which are suitable for local autonomy system have to be established with increase of local residents' consciousness level and education level. Forming organization culture by reformative idea which fits the new era, public health service by the Community Health Act and health education service by the Health Promotion Act must be carried out efficiently. In doing so, financial support of central government and active efforts and concerns of local governments have to be devoted in order to get public health service in which peculiarity of the community is considered to be pursued well.

보건소 조직구조에 대한 인식도 점수는 5 점척도 기준으로 재량권 필요성에 대한 인식도가 3.55 점으로 가장 높았고 보건소 조직구조에 대한 일반적 인식이 3.06점, 업무분장의 적합성 3.05점, 인력ㆍ예산의 적정성이 2.93 점, 의사결정권 소재에 대한 인식이 2.77 점 순이었다. 보건소 조직구조에 대한 직원들의 일반적 인식도 점수는 중소도시에서, 50 대 이상에서, 고졸 이하에서, 6급이상에서, 공무원 근무경력이 20년이상에서, 현부서 근무기간이 2년이하에서, 월평균 보수가 181만원이상에서 각각 타 군보다 높았으며 이들 변수들은 유의한 관련성이 있었다 그리고 의사결정권 소재에 대한 인식도 점수는 대도시에서, 남자에서, 기혼자에서, 6급이상자에서, 보건ㆍ행정직에서, 월평균 보수가 131-180 만원에서 각각 타 군보다 높았으며 이들 변수들은 유의한 관련성이 있었다. 재량권 필요성에 대한 인식도 점수는 20 대에서, 미혼자에서, 대졸이상자에서, 간호직에서, 공무원 근무경력이 5년이하자에서, 현부서 근무기간이 2년 이하자에서, 월평균 보수가 80 만원 이하자에서 각각 타 군보다 높았다. 인력ㆍ예산 적정성에 대한 인식도 점수는 여자에서,30 대에서, 기혼자에서,8 급에서, 보건ㆍ행정직에서, 현부서 근무기간 2-4년인자에서 각각 타 군보다 높았다. 그리고 업무분장의 적합성에 대한 인식도 점수는 중소도시에서, 기혼자에서, 의료기술직에서, 공무원 근무경력이 20 년이상자에서, 현부서 근무기간이 4년이하자에서 각각 타 군보다 높았으며 이틀 변수들은 유의한 관련성이 있었다, 보건소 직원들의 보건소 조직관리에 대한 인식도 조사에서 의사결정시 의견반응에 관한 인식도가 2.92 점으로 가장 높았으며, 목표량 설정방법의 합리성에 관한 인식이 2.88점, 보건소 인사관리에 대한 인식이 2.63점이었다. 보건소 인사관리에 대한 인식도 점수는 중소도시에서, 40대에서, 6급 이상자에서, 의료기술직에서, 공무원 근무경력이 20년 이상자에서, 현부서 근무기간이 2년 이하자에서, 월평균 보수가 181만원 이상자에서 각각 타 군보다 높았으며 이들 변수들은 유의한 관련성이 있었다. 의사결정시 의견반응에 관한 인식도 점수는 중소도시에서, 여자에서, 8급에서, 보건ㆍ행정직에서, 현부서 근무기간 2 년 이하자에서 각각 타 군보다 높았으며, 목표량 설정방법의 합리성에 관한 인식도 점수는 50대 이상에서, 고졸 이하자에서,6 급 이상 자에서, 의무직에서, 공무원 근무경력 15-20 년인 자에서 각각 타 군보다 높았으며 이들 변수들은 유의한 관련성이 있었다. 직무만족도에 유의하게 영향을 미치는 요인은 성, 교육정도, 업무분장의 적합성, 목표량 설정방법의 합리성에 관한 인식, 동기요인, 위생요인 이었으며, 조직문화에 유의하게 영향을 미치는 요인은 연령, 공무원 근무경력, 현부서 근무기간, 보건소 인력ㆍ예산의 적정성에 대한 인식, 업무분장의 적합성, 의사결정시 의견반응에 관한 인식, 목표량 설정방법의 합리성에 관한 인식이었다.
