• Aliabadi, M.Hosseini (Department of Mathematics, Tarbiat Modarres University)
  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


In this article we discuss some aspects of operational Tau Method on delay differential equations and then we apply this method on the differential delay equation defined by $\omega(u)\;=\frac{1}{u}\;for\;1\lequ\leq2$ and $(u\omega(u))'\;=\omega(u-1)\;foru\geq2$, which was introduced by Buchstab. As Khajah et al.[1] applied the Recursive Tau Method on this problem, they had to apply that Method under the Mathematica software to get reasonable accuracy. We present very good results obtained just by applying the Operational Tau Method using a Fortran code. The results show that we can obtain as much accuracy as is allowed by the Fortran compiler and the machine-limitations. The easy applications and reported results concerning the Operational Tau are again confirming the numerical capabilities of this Method to handle problems in different applications.



  1. Applied Numerical Mathematics v.21 no.4 On a differential-delay equation arising in number theory H. G. Khajah;E. L. Ortiz
  2. Iran. Jour. Sciences v.8 no.3 PC-Tau method for the solution of an Isolated Cosmic string M. Hosseini AliAbadi
  3. Computers Math. Applic. v.35 no.8 Numerical Treatment of Moving and Free Boundary Value Problems with the Tau Methjod M. Hosseini AliAbadi;E. L. Ortiz
  4. Math. Comput. v.66 no.217 Iterated solutions of linear operator equations with the Tau Method M. K. EL-Daou;H. G. Khajah
  5. Computers Maath. Applic. v.33 Some remarks on structural relations between the Tau Method and the Finite Element Method E. L. Ortiz;A. Pham
  6. Maath. Sb. v.44 Asymptotic estimates of a general number-theoretic function A. A. Buchstab
  7. Nederl. Adad. Wetensch. Proc. v.53 On the number of uncancelled elements in the sieve of Eratosthernes N. G. de Bruijn
  8. Sci. Sinica v.4 Estimation of an integral Loo-Keng Hua
  9. Math. Comput. v.55 no.191 A differential delay equation arising from the Sieve of eratosthenes A. Y. Cheer;A. A. Goldston
  10. Math. Comput. v.53 no.187 Numerical solution of some classical differential difference equations G. Marsaglia;A. Zaman;J. Marsaglia
  11. Computing v.27 An operational approach to the Tau Method for the numerical solution of non-linear differential equations E. L. Ortiz;H. Samara
  12. Proc. 2nd Internat. Symp. Numer. Anal. On the numerical behaviour of different for mulations of the Tau Method for the treatment of differential inclusions M. Hosseini AliAbadi;E. L. Ortiz
  13. Studies in numerical analysis Legendre versus Chebyshev polynomials C. Lanczos;J. J. H. Miller(ed.)