피어슨 곡선족에서 온 표본분포들에 관한 소고

  • 구자흥 (인하대학교 수학통계학부) ;
  • 유동선 (항공대학교 명예교수)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


The first part of this thesis discusses the Pearson's Curve Family which gives $\beta$distribution, $\Gamma$-distribution, $X^2$-distribution and t-distribution. The second part of this thesis gives some brief process of calculations for normal distribution density and t-distribution density by the 7-th type Curve of Pearson's Curve Family. Finally, a conclusion arrives that Student(Gosset) could not find out his famous 'Student's t-distribution' without his attending of 'Pearson's Differential Equation' class taught by Pearson himself when he was a senior student. However, if he had got a professorship at the Pearson Statistics Laboratory, the University of London, then he could not have found 'Student's t-distribution' for small sampling technique of modern statistics.



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  2. 小河原正己 譯 數理統計學 ウイルクス(著)
  3. 統計學の認? 北川敏男(著)
  4. Classical Probability in the Enlightenment Daston;Lorranine J.
  5. Statistical Science v.7 no.2 Fienberg;Stephan E.
  6. The Emprie of Chance How Probability Changed Science and Everyday Gigerenzer, Gerd(etc)
  7. A History of Probability and Statistics and Their Applications before 1750 Hald;Anders
  8. Ideas in History v.1 The Probability Revolution Kruger, L.(etc.)
  9. Ideas in History v.2 The Probability Revolution Kruger, L.(etc.)
  10. The Rise in Statistical Thinking 1820-1900 Porter, T.M.