청소년기 여학생의 의복행동에 대한 영향요인 연구;연령.지역 차이와 심리적 특성 변인들의 상대적 영향력

Influencing Factors of Korean Female Adolescent′s Clothing Behaviors: -Effects of Psychological Characteristics, Age and Residence-

  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


The purpose of this research were to identify the differences in clothing behaviors and psychological characteristics ill relation to age and residence and to identify the relative effects of Korean female adolescent's psychological characteristics on the clothing behaviors. The instruments measuring 9 psychological characteristics-adolescent egocentrism, social and general self-efficacy, public and private self-consciousness, boredom susceptibility, optimal stimulation level, body attitudes-were adapted from previous studies. Clothing behavior measurements were developed based on the pilot study results or adapted from previous studies. The data. collected from 2284 nationwide sample of Korean female adolescents(early, middle, late) was analyzed by frequency, two-way ANOVA, and LISREL confirmatory factor analysis. Clothing behavior were factor analyzed and 6 factors were identified: dressing for others. conformity to peers, clothing interest, self-expression, psychological dependence and clothing exhibition. Effects of age were dominant in 6 out of 9 psychological characteristics and five clothing behavior factors except conformity to peers. Dominant main effect of residence was found oかy in boredom susceptibility. From the results of LISREL, adolescent egocentrism, public self-consciousness and sensation seeking tendency were found to be the most influential psychological characteristics of female adolescents'clothing behaviors.



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