용인시내 초등학생의 급식선호도와 급식개선에 관한 연구

A Study on the Improvement and Preference of School Lunch Program of A School child in Yong-in city

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


This study was conducted to investigate the improvement of primary school lunch program. For this study, status of school lunch program. opinions of students of primary school in Yong-in city were surveyed by anquettes. The results are as follows. Menus of school lunch program were contained main dishes(cooked rice with soybean, cooked barley, cooked sorghum etc.). soups(soy paste soup. soy bean curd etc.) and side dishes(fried chicken, salad, fish cuttlet etc.). Students preferred Chinese and American style food such as Zazang rice Tang su youk, fish cuttlet. Many students disliked Korean style food such as dried radish salad. stir fried mushroom, soybean stew and spinach salad. One-line food service was better than separate food service for school feeding system by opinion of students. In conclusion, present manues of school feedings were not satisfied to students. it is desirable the several type of manue rather than unique manue were served to students.
