A Study on Leaching Characteristics of Paraffin Waste Form Including Boric Acid

  • Published : 2000.02.01


Preliminary experiment was peformed to investigate the leaching characteristics of paraffin waste forms that had been recently generated in large quantities at domestic nuclear power plants. At first, waste simulants whose compositions were different in mixing ratio of paraffin to boric acid were prepared. Their compressive strengths were measured and ninety-day leaching test of specimen including cobalt was carried out according to ANSI/ANS-16.1 test procedure. Water immersion test was also conducted keeping pace with leaching test and the weight change and the compressive strength of specimen were observed after ninety days. The compressive strength of waste form exhibited 666 psi (4.53 MPa) in the case where mixing ratio of boric acid to paraffin was 78/22, which was adopted in concentrate waste drying system of domestic nuclear power plants. The leaching test resulted in about 50% of the cumulative fraction leached for boric acid and cobalt, respectively. The specific gravity of waste form was 0.87 [g/g]whose value was less than that of water because the weight loss of about 39% occurred after the water immersion test of ninety days. It was also observed that the waste form which had undergone ninety-day water immersion test exhibited the compressive strength of 203 psi (1.38 MPa).



  1. American Society for Testing Materials, 'Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens,' ASTM C39-86, (1986)
  2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 'Low-level Waste Licensing Branch Technical Position on Waste Form,' Rev. 0, (1983)
  3. E.D. Hespe, 'Leach Testing of Immobilized Radioactive Waste Solids,' Atomic Energy Review, 9, (1971)
  4. International Standardization Organization, 'Long-term Leach Testing of Solidified Radioactive Waste Forms,' ISO 69611982(E), (1982)
  5. American Nuclear Society, 'Measurement of the Leachability of Solidified Low-Level Radioactive Wastes by a Short-Term Test Procedure,' ANSI/ANS-16.1-1986, (1986)
  6. Materials Characterization Center, Materials Characterization Center Test Methods,' PNL3990, (1981)