A Study on the Service Load State Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Plate Member

  • Published : 2000.07.01


This paper proposes a mechanical model to describe the load-deformation responses of the reinforced concrete plate members under service load state. An Analytical method is introduced on the basis of the rotating crack model which considers equilibrium, compatibility conditions, load-strain relationship of cracked member, and constitutive law for materials. The tension stiffening effect in reinforced concrete structures is taken into account by the average tensile stress-strain relationship from the load-strain relationship for the cracked member and the constitutive law for material. The strain compatibility is used to find out the crack direction because the crack direction is an unknown variable in the equilibrium and compatibility conditions. The proposed theory is verified by the numerous experimental data such as the crack direction, moment-steel strain relationship, moment-crack width relationship. The present paper can provide some basis for the provision of the definition of serviceability for plate structures of which reinforcements are deviated from the principal stresses, because the present code defines the serviceability by the deflection, crack control, vibration and fatigue basically for the skeletal members. The proposed theory is applicable to predict the service load state behavior of a variety of reinforced concrete plate structures such as skew slab bridges, the deck of skew girder bridges.



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