인터넷 기반 디자인 및 생산지원 분산환경 프로세스관리 기법 연구

Internet Based Managing Design and Production Processes in a Distributed Global Environment

  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


This paper is to develop an information infrastructure to support managing process in design, planning, production, and quality control. Multi-media data set of design, product, and management information flow between organizational units of a virtual enterprise. The process is the logical organization of people, technology and practices incorporated into work activities to make an end product. The core of the infrastructure is the enterprise framework which coordinates activities and controls the process. The proposed framework manages collaborative activities across space and time, and between users and computers who share information in virtual community. It utilizes knowledge distributed through virtual community and fosters cooperation between organizations. The framework provides the following facilities; coordinating activities, sharing data and processes, visualizing multi-media data, customizing and updating processes, reusing data and processes. This paper covers design and manufacturing activities but our focus is initially targeted at design area.
