The Management System of Logistics Outsourcing for Transportation and Distribution : Case Studies

물류 수배송 업무의 아웃소싱 관리 체계 : 사례 연구

  • 신해웅 (한양여자대학 전산정보계열)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


Although the outsourcing of logistics is one of the most widely discussed contemporary topics in the field of business logistics, efforts to organize them in an integrated broad-based body of knowledge have so far been rather limited. In order to develop and implement the outsourcing of logistics effectively and efficiently, this paper presents the procedure for establishment of outsourcing logistics systems. Several case studies including 7 firms from X Group in glass manufacturing industry and 1 firm from Y Group in chemical industry, respectively are introduced to determine the benefits of outsourcing according to some criteria, such as performance evaluation of before-outsourcing and after-outsourcing logistics.
