• 발행 : 2000.01.01


We study a free boundary problem satisfying Bernoulli type boundary condition along which the gradient of a piecewise harmonic solution jumps zero to a given constant value. In such problem, the free boundary splits the domain into two regions, the zero set and the harmonic region. Our main interest is to identify the global shape and the location of the zero set. In this paper, we find the lower and the upper bound of the zero set. In a convex domain, easier estimation of the upper bound and faster disk test technique are given to find a rough shape of the zero set. Also a simple proof on the convexity of zero set is given for a connected zero set in a convex domain.



  1. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. v.6 On the geometric form of free boundaries satisfying a Bernoulli condition A. Acker
  2. J. Reine Angew. Math. v.325 Existence and regularity for a minimum problem with free boundary H. W. Alt;L. A. Caffarelli
  3. Trans. Amer. Soc. v.282 Variational problems with two phases and their free boundaries H. W. Alt;L. A. Caffarelli;Avner Friedman
  4. Comm. Pure Appl Math. v.38 A theorem of real analysis and its application to free-boundary problems J. Athanasopoulos;L. A. Caffarelli
  5. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. v.42 A Harnack inequality approach to the reqularity of free boundaries L. A. Caffarelli
  6. Eiqenvalues in Riemannian Geometry Issac Chavel
  7. Variational principles and free-boundary problems A. Friedman
  8. Ann. Scuola. norm. sup. Pisa. cl. sci. v.22 A free boundary problem arising in Magneto hydrodynamic system Avner Friedman;Yong Liu
  9. Nonlinear Analysis TMA v.28 Convexity of Free boundaries with Bernoulli type boundary condition A. Henrot;H. Shahgholian
  10. Inverse Problems v.13 Identification of free boundary arising in Magneto-hydrodynamics system Kyung-Keun Kang;June-Yub Lee;Jin Keun Seo
  11. Springer Lecture Notes in Math v.1150 Rearrangements and convexity of level sets in PDE B. Kawohl
  12. Pacif. J. Math. v.154 Qualitative behavior of solutions of elliptic free boundary problems K. E. Lancaster
  13. Arch. Ratio. Mech. Anal. v.66 Capacoty functions in convex rings J. L. Lewis
  14. SIAM Math. Anal. Identification of two-phase free-boundary arising in plasma physics June-Yub Lee;Jin Keun Seo
  15. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. v.43 A symmetry Problem in Potential Theory J. Serrin
  16. SIAM J. Math. Anal. v.5 Free boundary problem D. E. Tepper