A Study on the New Method for Structural Analysis and Design by MDO(Multidisciplinary Design Optimization) Methodology : Application to Structural Design of Flap Drive System

MDO기법에 의한 새로운 구조해석 및 설계기법 고찰: 플랩 구동장치의 구조설계에의 적용

  • 권영주 (홍익대학교 기계정보공학과) ;
  • 방혜철 (홍익대학교 기계설계학과)
  • Published : 2000.06.01


MDO (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization) methodology is an emerging new technology to solve a complicate structural analysis and design problem with a large number of design variables and constraints. In this paper MDO methodology is adopted through the use of computer aided systems such as Geometric Solid Modeller, Mesh Generator, CAD system and CAE system. And this paper introduces MDO methodology as a new method for structural analysis and design through the application to the structural design of flap drive system. In a MDO methodology application to the structural design of flap drive system, kinetodynamic analysis is done using a simple aerodynamic analysis model for the air flow over the flap surface instead of difficult aerodynamic analysis. Simultaneously the structural static analysis is done to obtain the optimum structural condition. And the structural buckling analysis for push pull rod is also done to confirm the optimum structural condition (optimum cross section shape of push pull rod).



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