A 23.5 kg179, 8 months olds non-spaycd female Rottweiler dog was submitted to the veterinary teaching animal hospitals Chonbuk: national university, for chronic bitten trauma on right foreleg with pain, lameness, and pronation. The patient fought with a neighboring dog about five months ago and had mild anorexia, depression, bolt normal walking at that time. CBC and blood chemical examination were in normal range. Physical examination resulted in the right foreleg with edema and interval rotation of carpal joint. Radiograph of the right carpus showed varus and subluxation. We finally diagnosed the patient as the growth deformity of distal radius and ulna caused by medial premature closure of distal radial physis. Osteotomy was performed fur reforming of the varus of the distal radius and ulna with 6-hole straight plate and six 3.5 mm screws. Panarthrodcsis of carpus was preformed for correcting subluxation using 6-hole T-shaped plate and four 3.5 mm screws with cortical onlay autograft and strengthened by two 3.5 mm screws and tension wire band in lateral aspect of the carpus. Follow-up radiographs after 16 weeds of the surgery showed complete coaptation of osteotomy sire of the radius and uIna. After 6 months of the procedurc, talc plate, screws and the wire were removed except 7-shaped plate and four screws fur arthrodesis. The patient was seen in normal forelimb and could walk and run without lameness after 7 months of the procedure.