A 10 years old female Poodle weighing 4.38 kg and a 10 years old female Maltese weighing 4.33kg were referred to veterinary leaching hospital of college of veterinary medicine, Konkuk uni-versity because of hematuria and severa anorexia. Preoperative hematological and srum chemical values revealed that counts of WBC were $78.4{\times}10^3$,/TEX>/ul in the Poodle and $21.6{\times}10^3$in the Maltese, concentrations of BUN 105 and 13 mg/dl, concentrations of creatinine 4.0 and 1.4 mg/dl, concentration of ALKP 542 U/L in the Poodle and concentration of ALF 37 U/L in the Maltese, respectively. Radiographic findings were observed radiopaque bilateral nephroliths in the Poodle and right renal cal- culus in the Maltese. Ultrasonographic findings were showed hyperechoic mass with severe acoustic shadowing, which were ]ocated in the center of both kidneys parenchyma in the Poodle and in right kidney in the Maltese. Bisectional nephrotomy in right kidney for removal of calculus, which had ,sin- gle stone and more large than splitted stones in lets kidney in the Poodle, was performed under isnf- lurane anesthesia in 100% $O_2$. The time from temporary occlusion of blood flow to suture of incisioned kidney after removal of renal calculi was elapsed 12 minutes. During operation and until 24hrs after operation was infusioned mannitol and tranexanic acid solution. There were normal urination with yellow color in the Poodle at 3 days after operation and in the Maltese at 1 day and good appetite after 7 days and 1 day after operation. At 7 days and 9 days after operation, hematolgoical and seam chemical values repealed that counts of WBC were $29.8{\times}10^3/u1 in the Poodle and 13.1 {\itmes}10^3$/ul in the Mal- tese, concentrations of BUN 13 and 10 mg/dl. concentrations of creatinine 1.3 and 1.1 mg/dl, con-centrations of ALT 34 and 97U/L, concentraion of AST 10 U/L in the Poodle, respectively, By ultra-sonographic view there was not observed hyperechoic mass and radippaque calculus in operated kid-ney in radiographic view.