- Vet Radiol Ultrasound v.34 no.3 Use of iohexol as a gastrointestinal contrast medium in the dog Agut A;Sanchez-valverde MA;Lasaosa JM
- Vet Radiol Ultrasound v.35 no.3 Iohexol as a gastrointestinal contrast medium in the cat Agut A;Sanchez-valverde ME;Torrecillas FE
- Vet Radiol v.20 no.3-6 Gastrografin as a gastrointestinal contrast medium in the cat Allan GS;Rendano VT;Quick CB
- AJR v.153 Chernish SM: Primary malignant tumors in the small bowel: a comparison of the small bowel enema and conventional follow-through examination Bessette JR;Maglinte DDT;Kelvin FM;Chernish SM
- Vet Clin North Am[Small Anim Prac] v.13 Contrast radiography of the digestive tract: Indications, techniques and complications Brawner WR;Bartels JE
- Radiology v.80 Evaluation of the small bowel barium motor meal,with emphasis on the effect of volume of barium suspension ingested Caldwell WL;Floch MH
- South Med J v.77 Radiologic examination of the small intestine:review of 402 cases and discussion of indications and methods Diner WC;Hoskins EOL;Navab F
- Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology (3rd ed) Donald E.Thrall
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- Clin Radiol v.34 no.6 The small bowel braium follow-through enhanced with an oral effervescent agent Fraser GM;Preston PG
- Radiology v.98 Comparison of methods for acceleration of small intesinal radiographic examination Goldsein HM;Poole GJ;Rosenquist CJ;Friedland GW;Zboralske EF
- Clin Radiol v.48 The use of effervescent agents in the small bowel meal examination Griffiths PD;Huffon AP;Martin DF
- Abdom Imaging v.23 no.3 Use of methylcellulose in small bowel follow-through examination:comparison with conventional series in normal subjects Ha HK;Park KB;Kim PN;Lee MG
- J Am Vet Assoc v.183 Effect of yohimbine on xylazine-induced prolongation of gastrointestinal transit in dogs Hsu Wh;McNeel SV
- Radiographic Interpretation for the Small Animal Clinician(2nd ed) Jerry MO;Darryl NB
- Radiology v.60 Examinations of small intestines with carboxyl-methycellouse Kirch IE;Spellberg MJ
- Radiology in veterinary Technique Lisa M
- AJR v.104 Small intestine transit time in the normal small bowel study Kim SK
- Abdom Imaging v.21 Current status of small bowel radiography Maglinte DDT;Kelvin FM;Oconnor K;Lappas JC;Chernish S.M
- Br J Radiol v.59 A comparison of three methods for performing barium follow-through studies of the small intestine Morewood DJ;Whitehouse GH
- Vet Radiol v.22 The upper gastrointestinal examination in the cat:Normal radiographic apperance using positive-contrast medium Morgan JP
- Radiographic evaluation of the digestive tract. In techniques of Veterinary Radiography(4th Ed) Morgan JP;Silverman S
- JAMA v.249 Gastrointestinal contrast agents: Indications, uses, and risks Ott DJ;Gelfand DW
- Am J Roentrgenol Rad Ther Nucl Med v.99 Comparison of carboxy-methylcellulose, tranic acid and no additive in barium examinations of the colon Perez CA;Fredenberg MJ
- Small Animal Radiology and Ultrasonography Ronald L
- Radiographic technique in Veterinary Practice: Contrast Radiography of the alimentary tract Root CR;Ticer JW(ed)
- J Small Anim Pract v.10 Contrast radiography of the upper gastrointestinal tract in the dog : A comparison of micropulverized barium sulfate and U.S.P.barium sulfate suspensions in clinically normal dogss Root CR;Morgan JP
- AJR v.127 The small bowel enema:experiences with 150 examinations Sanders DE;Ho CS
- Acta Radiol v.15 Radiologic examination of the small intestine by duodenal intubation Sellink JL
- J Korean Radiol Soc v.39 Modified Small Bowel Follow-through Using Methylcellulose After Administration of Barium Suspension:Comparison with Conventional Series Shin JH;Ha HK
- Am J Roentgenol Rad Ther Nucl Med v.72 Methylcellulose-barium mixture study of colon Zalac D.A
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.162 Effect of chemical restraint drugs on the passage of barium sulfate through the stomach and duodenum of dogs Zontine WJ