New Records of Two Phanerozonian Asteroids (Echinodermata, Stelleroidea) in Korea

한국산 현대목(극피동물문, 불가사리강)의 2미기록종

  • Shin, Sook (Department of Biology, Sahmyook University)
  • 신숙 (삼육대학교 생물학과)
  • Published : 2000.04.01


Some asteroids were collected at a depth of 30 m in Chejudo Island. Of which two species were identified as Luidia maculata Muller et Troschel, 1842 and Linckia laevigata Linne, 1758. These species are turned out to be new to the Korean fauna and redescribed on the morphological characteristics with illustrations. Eighteen species of asteroids are reported to be distributed in the Chejudo Island of Korea.

제주도의 서귀포와 모슬포의 수심 30m 지점에서 채집된 불가사리류를 동정 분류한 결과, 현대목에 속하는 반점검은띠불가사리(Luidia Maculata Muller et Troschel, 1842)와 푸른불가사리(Linckia laevigata Linne. 1758)가 한국 미기록종으로 밝혀져 보고한다. 제주도 해역에 분포하는 불가사리류는 18종이 된다.



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