Preparation of Multicomponent Ceramic Powders by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis

  • Youn, Jeong-Han (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hong-Ik University) ;
  • Chung, Byung-Joo (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hong-Ik University) ;
  • Sim, Soo-Man (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hong-Ik University)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


The preparation of Y-doped $SrZrO_3$powder by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis was investigated as a representative system, in order to produce fine, single phase multicomponent oxide powders. A precursor solution containing metal nitrates, citric acid and ethylene glycol was atomized glycol was atomized with an ultrasonic spray nozzle. Gel particles formed by organic functional groups were pyrolyzed and subsequently calcined at $800^{\circ}C$ to obtain well-crystallized, single perovskite phase. Most of large particles exhibited macroscopic pores and weak agglomeration between primary particles. However, strong agglomeration was observed in the surfaces of large particles. The effect of the microstructures of these particles on size reduction to submicron particles was described.



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