• 발행 : 2000.11.01


In this paper, we discuss a uniqueness problem for the Cauchy problem of the Euler equation. W give a sufficient condition on the vorticity to show the uniqueness of a class of generalized solution in terms of the generalized solution in terms o the generalized Besov space. The condition allows the iterated logarithmic singularity to the vorticity of the solution. We also discuss the break down (or blow up) condition for a smooth solution to the Euler equation under the related assumption.



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  14. Progress of Mathematics Pseudodifferential operators and nonlinear PDE Taylor, M.E.
  15. Theory of Function Spaces Ⅱ Triebel, H.
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  18. Zh. Vych. Math. v.3 Nonstationary flow of a perfect incompressible fluid Yudovich, V.I.
  19. Math. Research Letters v.2 Uniqueness theorem for the basic nonstationary problem in the dynamics of an ideal incompressible fluid