• 발행 : 2000.11.01


We consider a zeta function of the classical dynamics in the exterior of several convex bodies. The main result is that the poles of the zeta function cannot converge to the line of absolute convergence if the abscissa of absolute convergence of the zeta function is positive.



  1. Lecture Notes of Math. v.470 Equilibrium states and the ergodic theory of Anosov diffeomorphism Bowen, R.
  2. Th. & Dynam. Sys. v.10 Meromorphic extension of the zeta function for Axiom A flows Haydn, N.
  3. Osaka J. Math. v.27 Singular perturbation of symbolic flows and poles of the zeta functions Ikawa, M.
  4. Proceedings of Conference in Honor of Prof. T. Kato;Lecture Notes of Math. v.1450 On the distribution of poles of the scattering matrix for several convex bodies;Functional analysis and its applications
  5. St. Jean de Monts. On zeta function and scattering poles for several convex bodies, Journees Equations aux derivees partielles
  6. On analyticity of zeta function and scattering poles for several convex bodies
  7. Invent. Math. v.85 Meromorphic extension of generalized zeta function Pollicott, M.