1.6GHz PCS 단말기용 초소형 VCO에 대한 연구

A Study on Miniature VCO for 1.6GHz PCS Phone

  • 권원현 (안양대학교 정보통신공학과) ;
  • 김운용 ((주)스타트텔레콤)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


본 논문에서는 1.6GHz PCS 대역 초소형 전압제어발진기의 설계개발하였다. 다층 PCB 구조를 갖는 Colpitts 형의 LC 동조형 발진기를 설계하교 회로 시뮬레이터를 이용하여 회로특성을 최적화하였다. 최적화된 설계 데이터를 이용하여 6$\times$6$\times$1.8 ㎣(0.065cc) 크기의 소형 VCO를 제작한 후 시험하였다. 개발된 VCO는 52.3MHz 튜닝범위에서 -1.67dBm $\pm$0.5dBm 의 일정한 출력레벨을 갖었으며 10kHz offset 주파수에서 -99.33dBc/Hz 의 우수한 위상잡음 특성을 나타내었다.

In this paper, miniature voltage-controlled oscillator(VCO) for 1.6GHz PCS band is designed and implemented. Colpitts type LC resonating oscillator is designed with multilayer PCB and circuit parameters are optimized using the circuit simulator. Using the optimized design parameters, miniature VCO with 6X6X1.8mm3 (0.065cc)dimensions is fabricated and experimented. Developed VCO has -1.67dBm $\pm$0.5dBm output power level in52.5MHz tunung range, and has -99.33dBc/Hz phase noise performance at 10 KHz frequency offset.



  1. Microwave Transistor Amplifiers Analysis and Design(2nd edition) Guillermo Gonzalez
  2. Oscillator Design Handbook Gary A. Breed(ed.)
  3. Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design Dan H. Wolaver
  4. Design of Amplifiers and Oscillators by the S-Parameter Method G.D. Vendelin
  5. Oscillator Design and Computer Simulation Randall W. Rhea
  6. Electronic Letters v.17 Stabilized oscillator with input dielectric resonator L.A. Bermudez
  7. Microwave Journal FM and AM noise in microwave oscillator S. Hamilton
  8. IEEE Trans. on MTT v.23 A microstrip low-noise X-band voltage controlled oscillator E.C. Niehenke;R. D. Hess
  9. IEEE Trans. on MTT v.28 no.2 Varactor Properties for Wideband Linear-tuning Microwave VCOs D.F. Paterson
  10. IEEE Trans. on MTT v.14 Microwave Varactor-tuned Transistor Oscillator Design K. M. Johnson
  11. IEEE Trans. on CAS v.40 A New Approach to the Modeling of the Dynamics of RF VCOs and Some of its Practical Implementations Sarafian;B. Z. Kaplan
  12. IEEE Trans. on MTT v.27 A Microstrip Low Noise X-band Voltage-controlled Oscillator R.D. Hess;E.C. Niehenke
  13. IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits v.22 Wideband Varactor-tuned Oscillator R.Winch
  14. Microwave Journal v.42 Design and Analysis of Microwave Varactor-tuned Oscillator Jwo-Shiun Sun
  15. The Electronic Parts & Components Monthly 이동 통신용 전압제어발진기(VCO)의 구성 및 발전동향 염경환;박동철
  16. VCO Specification Sheet
  17. VCO Specification Sheet
  18. Radio Engineer's Handbook F. E. Terman