Robust pattern watermarking using wavelet transform and multi-weights

웨이브렛 변환과 다중 가중치를 이용한 강인한 패턴 워터마킹

  • 김현환 (동아대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 김용민 (동아대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 김두영 (동아대학교 전자공학과)
  • Published : 2000.03.01


This paper presents a watermarking algorithm for embedding visually recognizable pattern (Mark, Logo, Symbol, stamping or signature) into the image. first, the color image(RGB model)is transformed in YCbCr model and then the Y component is transformed into 3-level wavelet transform. Next, the values are assembled with pattern watermark. PN(pseudo noise) code at spread spectrum communication method and mutilevel watermark weights. This values are inserted into discrete wavelet domain. In our scheme, new calculating method is designed to calculate wavelet transform with integer value in considering the quantization error. and we used the color conversion with fixed-point arithmetic to be easy to make the hardware hereafter. Also, we made the new solution using mutilevel threshold to robust to common signal distortions and malicious attack, and to enhance quality of image in considering the human visual system. the experimental results showed that the proposed watermarking algorithm was superior to other similar water marking algorithm. We showed what it was robust to common signal processing and geometric transform such as brightness. contrast, filtering. scaling. JPEG lossy compression and geometric deformation.
