소프트 핸드오프를 갖는 셀룰러 CDMA 이동통신 시스템의 Erlang 용랑

Erlang Capacity of Cellular CDMA Mobile Communication System with soft Handoff

  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


This paper presents an analysis of the capacity, the interference of adjacent cells of a CDMA cellular system, depending on the soft handoff region and log-normal shadowing. The optimum soft handoff region is chosen by using Erlang capacity. It is shown that when the soft handoff region increases, the Erlang capacity increase due to a reduction of the interference power of adjacent cells. But if the region is increased above a certain value, there is no improvement in the system’s capacity. Furthermore as the standard deviation of the log-normal shadowing's normal distribution factor increases, the soft handoff region has to be increased linearly to achieve the same Erlang capacity.



  1. Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication A. J. Viterbi
  2. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications v.11 Erlang Capacity of a Power Controlled CDMA System A. M. Viterbi;A. J. Viterbi
  3. Proc. of Globecom v.3 On the Erlang Capacity of CDMA Cellualr System J. S. Lee;L. E. Miller
  4. IEEE Personal Communications v.4 Soft Handoffs in CDMA Mobile Systems D. Wong;T. J. Lim
  5. Mobile Station-Base Station Compatibility Standard for Dual-Mode Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular System TIA/EIA Interim Standard