무선 채널에서의 오류에 강인한 비디오 통신을 위한 채널 환경에 적응적인 참조 영상 세그먼트 선택(RPSS)기법

Channel Adaptive RPSS(Reference Picture Segment Selection) Technique for Error-Resilient Video Communication over Wireless Channels

  • 경정찬 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과) ;
  • ;
  • 김성대 (한국과학기술 원 전기 및 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


The proposed RPSS(Reference Picture Segment Selection) mode is the RPS mode in picture segment of the ISD mode. The RPS mode has the weakness that it has to change the whole reference picture even if transmission error occurs only in the small part of picture. If the RPS mode is applied only to an error-occurred part and a conventional coding scheme is applied to an error-free part, the higher coding efficiency can be obtained. Simulation results show that there is the optimal number of segment which provides that best performance with given environment such as the BER(Bit Error Rate) of wireless channels, the characteristics of imput sequence, what kind of RPSS mode is used, etc. To apply the channel-adoptive RPSS mode later, the scheme which can change the number of segment without INTRA refresh and spatial error propagation is proposed in this paper.



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