- Standard Review Plan Section 3.9.3 Appendix A, Rev. 1 Stress limits for ASME class 1, 2,and 3 components and component supports of safety-related systems and class CS core support structures under specified service loading combinations USNRC
- Structural Engineering and Mechanics v.2 no.2 Seismic behavior of fuel assembly for pressurized water reactor Jhung, M. J.;Hwang, W. G.
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Dynamic Modeling Analytical study on the vibration characteristics of control element assembly shroud Jhung, M. J.;Choi, S.;Song, H. G.
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Engineering Experimental study on the vibration characteristics of control element assembly shroud Jhung, M. J.;Choi, S.
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration in Nuclear Plant PWR fuel assembly dynamic characteristics Stokes, F. E.;King, R. A.
- Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society v.24 Dynamic characteristics of spacer grid impact loads for SSE Jhung, M. J.;Song, H. G;Park, K. B.
- Regulatory Guide 1.60, Rev.1 Design response spectra for seismic design of nuclear power plants USNRC
- Nuclear Engineering and Design v.112 Assessment o large scale pipe tests by fracture mechanics approximation procedures with regard to leak-before-break Roos, E.(et al.)
- Nuclear Engineering and Design v.152 Dynamic response of reactor internals to pipe breaks Jhung, M. J.;Park, K. B.;Hwang, W. G.
- Seismic analysis of safety-related nuclear structures ASCE
- Structural Engineering and Mechanics v.5 no.2 Axial response of PWR fuel assemblies for earthquake and pipe break excitations Jhung, M. J.
- Theory of Elastic Stability(2nd ed.) Timoshenko, S. P.;Gere, J. M.