- Finite Element Procedures Bathe, K. J.
- Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics Meirovitch. L.
- Introduction to Finite Element Vibration Analysis Petyt, M.
- The Finetie Element Vibration Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis Huges, T. J. R.
- Mechanical Vibration Analysis and Computation Newland, D. E.
- Eigenvalue and eigenvector determination for nonclassically damped dynamic systems v.36 Cronin, D. L.
- International Journal for Numerical Method in Engineering v.105 Lanczos algorithm for the quadratic eigenvalue problem in engineering applications Rajakumar. C.
- Journal of Sound and Vibration v.184 Subspace iteration method for complex symmetric eigenproblems Leung, A. Y. T.
- ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics v.124 Efficient solution method of eigenproblems for damped structural systems using the modified newton-raphson technique Lee, I. W.;Kim, M. C.;Robinson, A. R.
- Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics v.28 Solution eigenproblems for non-proportion damping system by lanczos method Kim, M. C.;Lee, I. W.
- IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control v.38 Root distribution of a polynomial in subregions of the complex plane Tsai, J. S. H;Chen, S. S.
- Functions of a complex Variable: Theory and Technique Carrier, G. F.;Krook, M.;Pearson, C. E.
- Applied and Computational Complex Analysis v.1 Henrici, P.
- Mathematical Handbook(2nd ed.) Korn, G. A.;Korn, T. M.
- Complex Variables with an Introduction to Comformal Mapping and Its Applications Spiegel, M. R.
- Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems(3rd ed.) Franklin, G. F.;Powell, J. C.;Emami-Naeini, A.
- handbook of Applied Mathematics Pearson, C. E.
- Computers and Structures v.30 Solution eigenproblems for damped structural systems by Lanczos algorithm Chen, H. C.;Taylor, R. L.