침실분리 연령기준에 대한 청소년 자녀와 어머니의 의견차이

Adolescents' and their mother's responses to the age standard not to share bedrooms among family members

  • 발행 : 2000.01.01


The purpose of this study was to find out adolescents' and their mothers' responses to the minimum standard of age suggested by previous research not to share bedroom among parents and child, children of the opposite sex, or children of the same sex. The data from 310 pairs of junior school students and their mothers were analyzed. The results showed that the percentages of agreements to the suggested ages were not the same. Adolescents were in general more likely flexible to the minimum age than were their mothers. The age standard of the opposite sex children over 10 years old must not share a bedroom was the most agreeable both to child and mother. Both mother and adolescents' children were more likely flexible to the rule that parents should not should not share a bedroom with a child over age 5. However, they were serious about sharing a bedroom between same sex children regardless age. Further research should reveal precisely the age standard represent the high agreement among the family members.



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