하천 저수로 호안의 친환경적 조성기법의 개발 -용인시 수지읍 정평천을 중심으로-

Development of the Close-to-Nature Construction Technology for the Low-Flow Revetment of the Stream -A Case of Junpyung Stream in Yongin City-

  • 심우경 (고려대학교 자연자원대학원 조경학 연구실) ;
  • 백경종 (한국토지공사 조경부)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


This study was carried out to develop the close-to nature construction technology for the stream which has been improved just for the flood control with artificially straightened and concrete covered, losing the various functions of the stream such as wild-life habitat, polluted water purification and waterscape. Jungpyung stream in youngin City, Kyunggi Province was selected as a case study site. The results were as follows; 1. Existing stream improvement planning could accept the close-to-nature techniques of the low-flow revetment, keeping the capability of flood control and water use. 2. The low-flow revetment was planned and executed to the bottom of the stream without damaging the existing bank, and the slope of the low-flow revetment was adjusted as 1:1.2∼1.5. Consequently it would not disturb the water flow when the flood occurred and it would keep the constant water flow even at the drought with providing a stable ecosystem and water purification. 3. Low-flow revetement was planted with Salix species and perennials naturally, and it would be a precious biotope for the diverse floras and faunas. 4. Some furnitures such as stepping stone bridge, wooden bridge and step were installed to the suitable locations for the convenience of users, and it will be ot only the sound stream environment but also easy access to the waterscape. 5. This case study site will be monitored for 3 years systematically after the construction was finished in September, 1999 to get the exact results for the scientific approvement



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  3. 건설교통부 보고서 도시하천의 하천환경 정비기법의 개발 건설교통부
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