단편화된 서식처의 연결을 위한 야생동물 이동통로의 조성 -대상지 선정 및 조성기법을 중심으로-

A Study on the Wildlife Corridor for Connecting Fragmented Habitat -Focused on Site Selection and Design Methods-

  • 김귀곤 (서울대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 최준영 (서울대학교 대학원 협동과정 조경학전공) ;
  • 손삼기 (서울대학교 대학원 생태조경학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


This is a study to generate a theoretical base for the development of wildlife corridor as a solution to the problems of wildlife population size reduction and declining bio-diversity resulting from the fragmented habitats caused by road constructions. This study seeks to examine and define techniques in very aspect of wildlife corridor including planning, site selection, design and development, and maintenance through an actual application. The results of this study are as follows. 1) The wildlife corridor should be developed in an approach supplementing a landscape ecological approach and a restoration ecological approach bilaterally. To this end, systematic methodology and process are required. 2) It was restored an ecosystem as close as possible go to the forest ecosystem before road development. In addition, in order to allow it to function as an ecological corridor, topography restoration, stream development, and ecological plantation were implemented. 3) The result of monitoring activities that continued for one year since the development confirmed the migration and inhabitation of a number of animals including small mammals. It is judged that it functions as a corridor in fragmented habitats as initially expected. 4) Through continuous monitoring in the future, the effects of corridor development on ecological restoration need to be reviewed in a long-term perspective. There is also a need to develop and refine a comprehensive maintenance plan for wildlife corridors and their surroundings. Based on such study results, actual data on the development of wildlife corridor should be accumulated. In follow-up studies, after continuous monitoring for a long period of time, the effects of wildlife corridor development should be evaluated comprehensively and wildlife corridor applicable to Korea should be standardized by correcting disclosed problems.



  1. 한국의 멸종위기 및 보호 야생 동·식물 교학사 교재부
  2. 한국조경학회지 v.26 no.2 분절된 서식처의 연결을 위한 생태 이동통로에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) -유형구분 및 조성절차를 중심으로- 김귀곤;최준영
  3. 환경영향평가 v.7 no.2 환경영향평가에서 나타난 생태계 단편화 현상과 생태통로 조성 실태 김기대;김지현;최병진;서민환;고강석;최덕일
  4. 뱀 백남극;심재한
  5. 안양천 생태통로 기본계획 : 안양천 유역을 대상지로 송병화
  6. 자연보존 no.99 신설도로 건설에 따른 동물상의 변화, 관리 및 보존대책 심재한
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  9. 그린네트워크 -사례집- 환경부
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