대학도서관의 웹기반 전자참고정보 서비스에 관한 연구

A Study on Web-based Electronic Reference Services of Academic Libraries

  • 유재옥 (덕성여자대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


도서관서비스를 웹정보로 제공하는 국내 대학도서관 총178곳을 대상으로 전자 참고정보원 안내서비스와 전자 참고질의서비스 제공실태를 조사하였다. 국내 대학도서관의 25.8%만이 전자참고정보원 안내서비스를 불과 20.8%만이 전자 참고질의서비스를 제공하고 있어 대학도서관의 전자 참고정보서비스 사업은 그리 활발하지 않은 것으로 파악되었다. 또한 대학도서관은 한 달 평균 3.2건의 질문을 접수하는 것으로 조사되어 이용자의 전자 참고질의서비스 사용은 극히 저조하였다. 전자 참고질의서비스를 통한 접수한 총1,128개 질문중 19.8%만이 순수한 참고질문에 해당하는 것으로 나타났다.

The slody examined whethcr academe libraries deliver web~hased electronic relerencc services lo remole users. Amo~~g 178 acadclnlc lihraies. only 25.5% prolide reference services of inlroducing eleclronic reference materials and 20.8% o f h electron~c rdel-coce mquq rcwices. However, the use oi electronic access to reference inquuy was weak. One acarlcmic llbrarr reccived on avn-agc 3.2 queslions pcr monlh ovw elecmnic reference inquiries Irom remo~e users. Among the 1,128 questions i-cccived eleclroo~ci~lly, oldy 19.8% were reyardcd as real rekrencc queslmns.



  1. 국회도서관보 v.33 no.5 전자우편을 이용한 전자참고서비스에 관한 연구 김현희
  2. 정보관리학회지 v.16 no.3 대학도서관의 홈페이지상의 전자참고서비스시스템을 위한 액세스 포인트 분석 최은주
  3. Ask Digests
  4. College & Research Libraries News v.53 Academic reference service over electronic mail Bristow, Ann
  5. Reference & User Services Quarterly v.37 no.2 The smallest academic libraries in the United States and electronic Technology Burkhardt, Joanna M.
  6. RQ v.35 no.3 Electronic mail reference service : A study Bushallw-Wilber, Lara(et al.)
  7. The status of academic libraries in the United States Results from the 1994 academic library survey with historical comparisons. Survey Report ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 422 031 Cahalan, Margaret W.;Natalie M. Justh;Jeffrey W. Williams
  8. Library Administration & Management v.6 no.2 Electronic reference desk: Reference service in an electronic world Cargill, Jennifer
  9. Reference Librarian v.42/43 Internet's impact on reference services Cromer, Donna, E.(et al.)
  10. College & Research Libraries v.58 no.3 The shape of services to come : Values-based reference service for the largely digital library Ferguson, Chris D.;Charles A. Bunge
  11. Reference & User Services Quarterly v.39 no.3 Electronic mail reference services in the public library Garnsey, Beth;Ronald R. Powell
  12. The library information desk: Needs assessment and service alternatives. Committee Report, Kent State University Library. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 283 530 no.Fall Gaylord, Mary(et al.)
  13. Performance evaluation in reference services in ARL libraries. SPEC Kit 139. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 289 525 Gorman, Kathleen
  14. Providing public services to remote users. SPEC Kit 191. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 364 233 Haynes, Craig(comp.)
  15. Internet Public Library
  16. College and Research Libraries v.48 no.4 The configuration of reference in an electronic environment Kleiner, Jane P.
  17. Reference Services Review v.24 no.3 Why roving reference: A case study in a small academic library Kramer, Eileen H.
  18. Online v.17 no.1 Using the internet for reference Ladner, Sharyn J.;Hope N. Tillman
  19. Building and maintaining internet information services : K-12 digital reference services. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED 427 778 Lankes, R. David
  20. E-mail reference in Ohip public libraries. Kent State U. Master's Research Paper. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 436 190 Lay, Teresa M.
  21. Reference & User Services Quarterly v.37 no.2 Thinking out loud: Who will give reference service in the digital environment Lipow,A.G.
  22. The invisible user: User needs assessment for library public services. Final report from the public services research projects, ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 255 227 McCandles, Patricia(et al.)
  23. Reference Services Review v.23 no.1 Beyond the desk: Enhanced reference staffing for the electronic library Mardikian, Jackie;Martin Kessleman
  24. RQ v.25 no.1 Library reference services Miller, Constance(et al.)
  25. Journal of Academic Librarianship v.26 no.2 Reference service in an academic archives O'Donnell, Frances
  26. Journal of Academic Librarianship v.9 no.6 Reference service evaluation in medium-sized academic libraries: A model Olson, Linda M.
  27. Reference Librarian v.25/26 The measurement and evaluation of reference service Rothstein, Samuel
  28. Managing electronic resources: A survey of current practices in academic libraries. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 434 658 Shaw, Beth Hansen
  29. Indiana University and Purdue University regional campus libraries: A preliminary overview of reference services. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 285 548 Skekloff, Susan D.
  30. Reference Services Review v.21 no.1 Librarian in a box: The use of electronic mail for reference Still, Julie;Frank Campbell
  31. Reference Librarian v.59 Techno reference: Impact of electronic resources on traditional reference services Summey, Terri Pedersen
  32. Reference Services Review v.27 no.3 Electronic reference and reference librarians: A look through the 1990s Tenopir, Carol
  33. Online v.19 no.4 Electronic reference options: Tracking the changes Tenopir, Carol
  34. Library Journal v.123 no.8 Reference use statistics Tenopir, Carol
  35. Online v.22 no.4 The digital reference world of academic libraries Tenopir, Carol;Lisa Ennis
  36. Online v.16 no.2 Electronic reference options : How they stack up in research libraries Tenopir, Carol;Ralf Neufang
  37. American Libraries v.28 no.2 Internet Public Library: Same metaphors, new service Whitwell,S.C.
  38. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association v.74 no.4 EARS: Electronic access to reference service Wiese,F.O.;M.Borgendale
  39. Library Hi Tech v.17 no.1 E-Reference : Incorporating electronic publications into reference Young, Courtney L.;Karen R. Diaz