Ku-Band Sub-Harmonically Pumped Single Balanced Resistive Mixers with a Low Pass Filter Using Photonic Band Gap

  • Kim, Jae-Hyuk (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technology Research Center, Kangwoon University) ;
  • Park, Hyun-Joo (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technology Research Center, Kangwoon University) ;
  • Lee, Jong-Chul (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technology Research Center, Kangwoon University) ;
  • Kim, Nam-Young (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technology Research Center, Kangwoon University)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


In this paper, sub-harmonically pumped single balanced resistive mixers are presented . Frequency bandwidth is selected for a Ku-band, which is 11.75-12.25GHz for RF, 5.375∼5.625 GHz for LO, and 1 GHz for IF signals. A rat-race hybrid is designed for the accomplishment of single balanced type. A low pass filter (LPF) with photonic band gap(PBG) structure is used for good conversion loss and unwanted harmonics suppression. Two types of mixers are suggested, which are one with no gate bias for no DC power consumption and the other with the IF amplifier for conversion gain. When a LO signal with the power of 6 dBm at 5.5 GHz is injected, a conversion loss of 12.17dB and a conversion gain of 7.83 dB are obtained for each mixer. For the both mixers , LO to RF isolation of 20 dB and LO to IF isolation of 60dB are obtained. With the RF power of -30dBm to -3dBm, the mixer shows linear characteristics region of IF. this mixer can be applied for Ku-band and other microwave communication systems.



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