자동변속기 장착 차량의 아이들 셰이크 진동 성능 개선 대책에 대한 고찰

Investigations on Improvement of Vehicle Design Feature on Idle Shake with Automatic Transmission

  • 최천 (기아자동차 소하리연구소) ;
  • 서명원 (성균관대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 김영진 (성균관대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


In order to improve the vibration characteristics of mid sized passenger car automatic transmission at idle experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out. Idle shake in "D" range occurs by various reasons such as characteristics of body bending resonance between subsystems and engine mounts etc. Using full vehicle finite element analyses and modal tests we introduce the way to reduce the idle shake in the early design stage. It shows that the exciting forces are the 2nd order torque and force of engine. A powertrain system modes in "D" range are entirely effected by the additional boundary conditions of drive line. As a result the frequencies of subsystems are arranged to be lined up at the idle frequency range in order to avoid the resonances with subsystems To reduce the idle shake mounts of radiator are tuned to act as a dynamic damper to 1st bending frequency of the body. In addition a hydraulic mount which is optimized by Phase Shift Method is applied to the rear engine mount.e rear engine mount.



  1. Stanley Thornes Ltd. Fundamentals of Motor Vehicle V.A.W.Hiller
  2. SAE 870961 Experimental Method to Derive Optimum Engine Mount System for Idle Shake H. Hata;H. Tanaka
  3. JSAE of Japan v.46 Body Vibration Analysis using System Model Approach H. Hata
  4. JSAE of Japan v.39 Vibration Analysis on Engine Mounting N.Yoshikawa;R.Magoshi;H.Tanaka
  5. SUBARU Technical Review An Analysis of DRange Idle Shake Kiyoji Ishimatsu;N. Satoh;H. Imaizumi;J. Nobuhara
  6. SAE 850996 Using Experimental Model Modeling Techniques to Investigate Steering Column Vibration and Idle Shake of a Passenger Car S. L. Chiang
  7. Vector Cancellation by Phase Shift Principle, JSAE 9303564 Hydraulic Engine Mount for Improved Idle Shake Koji Kadomatsu
  8. VAN Norstrand Reinhold Company Modern Automotive Structural Analysis Mounir M.;Kamal;Joseph Wolf;Jr;
  9. MDI ADAMS User’s Manual Ver. 9
  10. KSAE 학술강연 초록집 Balance Shaft 적용에 따른 엔진블럭의 강제진동 해석 박주상;손교은
  11. 사단법인 한국자동차공학회 자동차 기술핸드북 - 기초. 이론편 김응서 외
  12. 사단법인 한국자동차공학회 자동차 기술핸드북 - 설계편 김응서 외
  13. Macneal-Schwendler Corp. MSC/NASTRAN User’s Maunal Version 68.