An animall health monitoring system in Gyeongnam area(near Chinju) was studied to analysis of biochemical risk factors in 617 herds. Clinical serum factors such as glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase(GOT), glutamate pyruvate transaminase(GPT), Ca, P, Mg, glucose, and cholesterol were measured with automatic biochemical analyzer(Ra-X7T Techmmicon, USA). In serum analysis, 613 cattle were within normal llimits(GOT: 9.5-85 IU-dl, GPT: 25-77IU/dl, total protein: 5.8-8.5g/dl, Ca: 4.2-12.4mg/dl, P: 4.6-9.7mg/dl, Mg: 1.5-3.0mg/dl, glucose: 48-120mg/dl, Cholesterol: 70-170mg/dl), the other cattle showed high glucose and high cholesterol level. It is proposed that clinical serum factors to be estimated may be valuable for developing of animal health monitoring system model.