한국전통문양의 종류, 표현유형, 구성형식 및 적용대상에 따른 감성이미지

Images of Korean Traditional Patterns according to Category, Interpretation Type, Composition Type, and Application Object

  • 발행 : 2000.02.01


The objective of this study was to investigate images of Korean traditional patterns. The subjects consisted of 369 male and 356 female undergraduate students. The experimental materials used in this study were 48 stimuli and questionnaires, composed of 7-point semantic differential scales of 23 bipolar adjectives. Twelve motifs selected from 3 groups of Korean patterns were used as motif stimuli. Twelve repeated patterns were constructed from them to be applied on a CAD-simulated dress. The data was analyzed by factor analysis, ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test. The major findings were as follows: 1. Four dimensions were emerged accounting for the dimensional structure of the images of Korean traditional patterns. These dimensions were 'simplicity', 'quality', 'interest', and 'modernity' dimension. Among them, 'simplicity' and 'quality' were the major dimensions. 2. Category, interpretation type, composition type, and application object of motif had significant effects on the images of above-mentioned dimensions. The application object had a significant effect on 'simplicity' and 'modernity' image, and the composition type on 'quality' and 'interest' image.



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  7. 한국인의 생활문양 서희환
  8. 디자인 연구 v.22 제품의 문화적 기능에 있어서 친근성 인자에 관한 고찰 엄정식;김명석
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  11. 디자인학 연구 v.19 형용사를 이용한 색채감성척도의 개발 이복신
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  14. 한국의류학회지 v.20 no.6 질적, 양적 접근방법에 의한 蓮化紋, 鶴紋의 분류원형 추출 장수경;김재숙
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  17. Journal of Management Information System v.13 no.3 A Hypermedia-based design image database system usinga perceptional link method Shibata, Y.;Fukuda, M.
  18. 한국의류학회지 v.22 no.8 한국전통문양의 이미지 형상화 소고 장수경