Achromobacter sp. YJ-66가 생산하는 생물응집제의 성분 특성

Characteristics of Bioflocculant Produced by Achromobacter sp. YJ-66.

  • Published : 2000.08.01


To develop biodegradable and safe flocculant, Achromobacter sp. HY-66 were isolated from soil. The purified flocculant was composed of fructose and glucose in an approximate molar ratio of 1:24. Molecular weight was approximately 9$\times$105 dalton by Sepharose CL-4B gel filtration chromatography. Elemental analysis revealed that the contents of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen were 37.72%, 5.37% and 56.89%, respectively. The presence of O-H stretching, C-H streching, carboxy ester and C-H bending were confirmed by IR absorption spectrum analysis. We suggest that a bioflocculant produced from Achromobacter sp. YJ-66 is new and different from other bioflocculants.



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