Characterization of a paraquat resistance of Ochrobactrum anthropi JW-2.

Ochrobactrum anthropi JW-2의 paraquat 내성에 관한 특성

  • Published : 2000.02.01


The bacterial strain JW-2 which conferred resistance against paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride) was isolated from soil. The strain was identified as an Ochrobactrum anthropi based on its morphological, physiological, biological and fatty acid composition, and was designated as Ochrobactrum anthropi JW-2. We compard paraquat resistance of O. anthropi JW-2 with Escherichia coli J105. In the presence of 100mM paraquat, E. coli JM105 was not grown whereas the growth rate of O. anthropi was about 70% of control. We compared the sensitivity of O. anthropi JW-2 and E. coli J105 to redox-cycling compounds such as paraquat, plumbagin or menadione, which are known to exacebate wuperoxide generation. O. anthropi JW-2 did not show cross-resistance to plumbagin or menadione. superoxide dismutase activity was increased in paraqunt-treated E. coli JM105 while it was not increased in O.anthropi JW-2. These results suggest that the mechanism of paraquat resistance in O.anthropi JW-2 is probably due to selectively decreased permeability toward paraquat by membrane protein.



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