동축소법을 이용한 부분구조합성법

Substructure Synthesis Method using Dynamic Reduction

  • 박석주 (한국해양대학교 조선·해양공학부) ;
  • 박성현 (일본큐슈대학교 선박해양시스템공학부박사과정) ;
  • 김성우 (한국해양대학교 대학원 조선공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.01.01


The component mode synthesis method(CMS) used for vibration analysis has demerit that error becomes larger, as degree of natural frequency grows higher. The reason of error occurrence is that Guyan's static reduction is used and the number of modes taken in each component is deficient. This paper proposes the substructure synthesis method using dynamic reduction to solve the problem from the component mode synthesis method. Computer simulation for the proposed method. FEM and the component mode synthesis method(CMS) on a rectrangular plate has been carried out to prove the avilability of the proposed method.



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