상정사고 제약조건을 고려한 분산 최적조류계산 알고리즘의 구현 및 북상조류 문제에의 적용

An Implementation of Security Constrained Distributed Optimal Power Flow and Application to Korea Power System

  • 김진호 (서울대 공대 전기공학부) ;
  • 허돈 (서울대 공대 전기공학부) ;
  • 박종근 (서울대 공대 전기공학부) ;
  • 김발호 (홍익대 공대 전기제어공학부) ;
  • 박종배 (안양대 공대 전기전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


In this paper, we propose that the SCOPF be solved in a decentralized framework, consisting of regions, using a price-based mechanism. We first solve the distributed OPF problem to determine the maximum secure simultaneous transfer capability of each tie-line between adjacent regions by taking only the security constraints imposed on the tie-lines into account. And then, the regional SCOPF is performed using the conventional LP approach. A description on the inclusion of security constraints with distributed OPF algorithm will be given, folowed by a case study for Korea power system.



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