• Kim, Do-Wan (Department of Mathematics Sunmoon University)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


We consider regularity questions arising in the degenerate elliptic vector valued variational inequalities -div(|▽u|p-2∇u)$\geq$b(x, u, ∇u) with p$\in$(1, $\infty$). It is a generalization of the scalar valued inequalities, i.e., the obstacle problem. We obtain the C1,$\alpha$loc regularity for the solution u under a controllable growth condition of b(x, u, ∇u).



  1. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. v.35 Regularity theorems for Weak Solutions of Some Nonlinear Sys-tems L. Caffarelli
  2. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. v.114 A Regularity Theory for a More General Class of Quasi-linear El-liptic Partial Differential Equations and Obstacla Problems H. J. Choe
  3. SIAM J. Math. Anal. v.22 no.3 On the Obstacle Problem for Quasi-linear Elliptic Elliptic Equations of p Laplacian Type H. J. Choe;J.Lewis
  4. Amer. J. Math. v.115 no.5 On the Higher Intergrability of Gradient of Weak Solutions of Certain Degenerate Elliptic Systems E. DiBenedetto;J. Manfredi
  5. Bonn Lecture Notes Holder Continuity of the Gradient for Degenerate Variational Inequal-ities M. Fuchs
  6. Annals of Math. Studies v.105 Multiple Intergrals in the Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Elliptic Systems M. Giaquinta
  7. Math. Z. v.177 Remarks on the Regularity of Weak Solutions to Some Variational In-equalities
  8. J. Mur reine u. angew. Math. v.309 Variational Inequalities for Vector Valued Functions S. Hildebrandt;K. -O.Widman
  9. Linear and Quasi-linear Elliptic Equations O. A. Ladyzhenskaya;N. N. Ural'tzeva
  10. Indiana U. Math. J. v.40 no.3 Regularity of Solutions to Some Degenerate Double Obstacle Problems G. Lieberman
  11. Nonlinear Anal. v.12 Regularity for the Gradient of the Solution to a Nonlinear Obstacle Problems with Degenerate Ellipticity P. Lindquist
  12. J. Diff. Eqs. v.76 Regularity for Minima of Functional with p-growth J. Manfredi
  13. Acta Math. v.111 Local Behavior of Solutions of Quasi-linear Elliptic Equations J. Serrin
  14. J. Diff. Eqs. v.51 Reqularity for a More General Class of Quasi-linear Elliptic Equa-tions P. Tolksdorff
  15. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. v.20 On Harnack Type Inequalities and Their Application to Quasi-linear Elliptic Equations N. Trudinger