• Published : 2000.09.01


As an application of Clifford theory, we are interested in a situation in which every irreducible projective character of a finite group G is an induced character of an irreducible linear character of some subgroup H of G. For this purpose, we study relative projective monomial groups with respect to subgroups.



  1. Chinese J. Math. v.21 no.1 On relative M-groups K. W. Chen
  2. Arch. Math. v.42 Characters of subnormal subgroups of M-groups I. M. Isaacs
  3. Character Theory of finite groups I. M. Isaacs
  4. J. Algebra v.178 Constituents of restricted and induced characters in odd order groups I. M. Isaacs
  5. Group representations v.3 G. Karpilovsky
  6. Math. Z. v.218 Primitive characters of subgroups of M-groups G. Navarro
  7. J. London Math. Soc. v.2 no.10 Degrees of irreducible projective representation of finite groups H. N. Ng
  8. J. Algebra v.45 Induced characters and sympletic actions D. T. Price