- 三指禪 周樂道(外2人点校)
- 醫門法律 喩昌
- 河間三六書 劉完素
- 醫宗必讀 李仲梓
- 中國醫籍通考 v.1 구沛然(外2人)
- 中醫診斷學 莊澤澄
- 中醫脈診學 趙恩儉
- 中醫診斷學 張家錫
- 慶熙大學論文集 v.10 內經의 脈診과 後代醫家說의 比較 硏究 金泰熙(外1人)
- 東國大學校韓醫學硏究所論文集 脈經에 關한 硏究 朴炫局(外1人)
- 大韓原典醫史學會誌 v.12 氣口脈診法의 藤腑配位에 關한 硏究 黃元德(外1人)
- 中文大辭典 中央大辭典編纂委員會
Following is the result through translating. studying, and analyzing 『San Zhi Shan(三指禪)』, the book worked by Zhou Xue Ting(周學霆). 1. The chapter of 『Mai Xue Yuan Liu(脈學源流)』 explains thc Xiang Shu Xue(象數學) viewpoint, the part that pulse is based on Lu guan(律管). 2. The chapter of 『Liu Bu Mai Jie(六部脈解)』 explains that emphasizing Shen(神) through understanding the shape of pulse(脈象) is more important than the locating the area of thc shape of pulse(脈象). 3. The chapter of 『Zuo Xin Tan Zhong Can Dan Shen Xiao Chang You Fei Xiang Zhong Pi Wei Ming Da Chang Bian(