Supported by : 한국과학재단
- Computer & Structures v.7 An efficient method for optimal structural design by substructuring Arora, J.S.,;Govil, A.K.
- Journal of the Structural Mechanics. Proceeding of the ASCE v.12 no.2 An Improved Computational Approach for Multilevel Optimum Design Haftka, R.T.
- Applied Optimal Design Haug, E.J.;Arora, J.S.
- Optimality Criterion Techniques Applied ti Frames Having Nonlinear Cross-Sectional Properties, AIAA 81-0552 Khan, M.R.
- ASCE, Journal of The Structural Division v.98 no.ST1 Optimum Design by Partitioning into Substructures Kirsch, U.;Reiss, M.;Shamir, U.
- Theory of matrix structural analysis Przemieniecki, J.S.
- Proceeding of AIAA/ ASME/ ASCE/ AHS 25th Structures. Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference A Multilevel Method for Structural Synthesis, AIAA Paper No. 84-05853 -CP Schmit, L.A.;Chang, K.J.
- A LinearDecomposition Method for Large Optimization Problems-Blueprint for development, NASA TM-83248 Sobieszczanski-Sobieski, J.;Haftka, R.T.
- 34th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibt Multidisciplinary Aerospace Design Optimization Survey of Recent Developments;AlAA Paper No. 96-0711 Sobieszczanski-Sobieski, J.;Haftka, R.T.
- AIAA Journal v.28 no.2 Sequential Linearization Method for Multilevel Optimization Vanderplaats, G.N.;Yang, Y.J.;Kim, D.S.