건성안(乾性眼)에 대한 침료법(鍼療法)의 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

Book research into acupuncture treatement for dry eye

  • Kwon, Do-Hee (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Suk (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Choi, Do-Yong (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
  • 투고 : 2000.08.02
  • 심사 : 2000.08.26
  • 발행 : 2000.09.20


1. Objectives : Millions of people throuout the world are affected by some form of dry eye disorder. I made researches for more effective treatments for dry eye. 2. Methodes : I refered to occidental and oriental medical records. 3. The results were as follows : Common symptoms of dry eye are dryness, burning, irritation, grittiness, itching, fatigue of eye, photophobia, congestion, mattering and tear. Treatments of dry eye are to clear away heat and fire, remove dampness, replenish Um and promote production of body fluid, tonify the blood and replenish Ki. Acupunctre and moxibustion therapy of dry eye are as follows: Very busy points of traditional regular acupuncture are Sangsong, Chanjuk, Sajukkong, Chongmyong, Sabaek, Tongjaryo, Taeyang, Pungji, Tuimup, Paekoe, Un-gyo, Chonjong, Hapkok, Yangbaek, Kansu, Yanggye, Imup, Chok-samni, Taechung, Kwangmyong, Yang-gok, Uihui, Chohae, Haenggan. Less busy points of it are Oyo, Kuhu, Sungup, Konmyong, Konmyongl, Konmyong2, Sangmyong, SanghaChongmyong, Shinmyong, Osang, Shinjong, Yonghyang, Yaemyong, Chon-yu, Chon-ju, Kwallye, Naebi, Noeho, Tuyu, Mokchang, Ponshin, Shinhoe, Yepung, Okchim, Pungbu, Kokchon, Kollyun, Nae-gwan, Tae-nung, Samumgyo, Sokolkong, Shinsu, Um-gyo, Igan, Chongok, Choktaek, Kyonjungsu, Kokchi, Kongchoe, Kyuum, Kihae, Taekolkong, Taedon, Pino, Pisu, Sabong, Samgan, Kokchi, Shinmun, Shinmaek, Shimsu, Yangno, Aengmun, Yolgyol, Oegwan, Wijung, Chang-gan, Chungjo, Chungdo, Chigu, Chium, Chollyo, Tongni, Pungmun, Haryom. Very busy points of ear-acupuncture are Kan, Bi, Shin, An, Less busy points of it are Shim, Pye, Naebunbe, Mok1, Mok2, Shinmun, Ichom. Useful points of bleeding by needle are Taeyang meridian, Yangmyong meridian, Chono, Chonjong, Paekoe, Sangsong, Chanjuk, Sajukkong, nasal cavity. Useful points of moxibustion are Inchung, Huaryo, Shinchu, Pungmun, Kansu, Shimsu, Kokchi, Kongchoe, Sohae.



  1. 鍼灸寶鑑 代田文誌
  2. 眼病의 手指鍼治療 柳泰佑
  3. 臨床診斷學 申永基
  4. 問答式 오관외과학 申天浩
  5. 眼科學 尹東浩
  6. 原色最新醫療大白科事典 李榮基
  7. 鄕藥集成方 李榮浩(編)
  8. 東醫眼耳鼻咽喉科學 채병윤
  9. 精解鍼灸學 崔容泰
  10. 東醫寶鑑 許俊
  11. 大韓眼科學會誌 v.31 no.5 안건조증 환자에서 안증상의 의의 및 환자에 대한 통게학적 고찰 고현주
  12. 대한안과학회지 v.38 no.8 VDT화면의 높낮이가 안구건조에 미치는 영향 김장훈
  13. 경희한의대학원 증간논문발표 眼疾患의 鍼灸治療에 關한 文獻的 考察 김중호
  14. 대한외관과학회지 v.8 目乾澁에 대한 文獻的 考察 林圭庠
  15. 대한안과학회지 v.33 no.4 건성안 환자의 임상양상과 BUT와의 관계 조범진
  16. 대한안과학회지 v.35 no.3 마스카라가 Tear Film Break-up Time에 미치는 영향 최시환
  17. 東醫學會誌 v.1 no.1 乾性眼 患者에 관한 臨床的 硏究 최인화
  18. 鍼灸節要 v.2 高武
  19. 鍼灸緊英 眼目篇 高武
  20. 中醫眼科全書 唐由之
  21. 外臺秘要 裵乘哲
  22. 巢氏諸病源候論 v.28 巢元方
  23. 備急千金要方 孫思邈
  24. 銀解精微論 孫思邈
  25. 鍼灸大成 楊繼洲
  26. 黃帝內經 楊維傑(編)
  27. 鍼灸 楊醫並
  28. 醫宗金鑑 吳謙
  29. 鍼灸資生經 王執中
  30. 醫學入門 李梴
  31. 景岳全書 張介賓
  32. 類經 張介賓
  33. 眼病自我論療 張淑英
  34. 病機氣宜保命集 張元素
  35. 儒門事親 v.1;4 張子和
  36. 審視瑤函 傳仁宇
  37. 中醫眼料臨床手冊 肖國士
  38. 聖濟總錄 曹孝忠
  39. 三因極一病證方論 陳無擇
  40. 中國頭皮鍼 彭芝芸
  41. 黃帝鍼灸甲乙經 皇甫謐
  42. 上海鍼灸雜誌 v.18 no.4 鍼灸治療眼病雜症 孫麗娟
  43. 中醫眼科雜誌 v.8 no.2 Sjogren綜合征的中醫硏究與展望 羅旭升
  44. Postgraduate medicine v.85 no.3 Managing the dry eye J. Daniel Nelson, MD
  45. Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science v.24 How do tears exit? Lemp M.A.;Welier H.H.