연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국학술진흥재단
- 新中醫 何謂肥胖症? 如何防治? 邱仕君
- 中醫雜誌 肥滿症的 中醫鍼灸現況 徐有强
- Physiol Rev. v.79 Regulation of body weight in humans Jequier E;Tappy L.
- Handbook of behavioral neurobiolog v.10 Caudal brainstem participants in the distributed neural centrol of feeding Grill HJ;Kaplan JM.;Stricker EM.(ed.)
- Am J ClinNutr. v.42 Brain neurotransmitters in food and drug reward Hoebel BG.
- Korean J Phys Anthrop. v.11 Immunohist-ochemical study on the distribution of neu-ropeptide Y and NADPH-diaphorase positive neurons in the cerebral cortex of mice Kim YS;Huh YB;Ahn HK.
- 생물정신의학 v.5 no.1 정신질환에 있어서의 신경펩타이드 연구 김영훈;심주철
- 雲南中醫雜誌 肥滿症的中醫治療 周文泉(外)
- 北京中醫雜誌 實用中醫學 北京市中醫學校
- 대한한의학회지 v.2 no.2 이침요법이 비만증에 미치는 임상적 고찰 강성길
- 황제의학 v.1 no.2 비만증의 이침요법에 대한 임상적 고찰 최용태
- 中醫鍼灸 耳鍼減肥49例 唐春雨
- Ann Ny Acad Sci. v.63 Regulation of energy intake and body weight : glucostatic theory and lipostatic hypothesis Mayer J.
- Increased feeding in rats in a low ambient temperature In : Hunger : Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Implications Kraley FS;Blass EM.;Novin D;Whrwicka W;Bray G(Ed)
- Neural mechamisms of hunger : current status and future prospe4cts. In : Hunger : Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Implications Mogenson CJ.;Novin D;Whrwicka W; Bray G(Ed)
- Protein and aminoacids in the regulation of food intake. In : Hunger : Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Implications Harper AE.;Novin D;Whrwicka W;Bray G(Ed)
- Science v.217 Purinergic regul ation of food Intake Levine AS;Morley JE.
- Phyiol Behav. v.31 Selective hepatic vagotomy blocks pancreatic glucagon's satiety effect Geary N;Smith GP.
- Excerpta Medica Motilin stimulates feeding in fasted rats Proceedings of the 7th Internatinal Congress of Endocrinology Garthwaite TL.
- J Tradit Chin Med. v.10 no.4 Treatment of hiccough with auriculo-acupuncture and auriculo-pressurea report of 85 cases Li X;Yi J;Qi B.
- Science v.236 Modlliation of memo4ry processing by cholecystokinin : dependence on the vagus nerve Flood JF;Smith GF;Morley JE.