A Study of Gigong-Yangsaeng(Good life) and The old-Health care

기공양생(氣功養生)과 노인보건(老人保健)에 대한 고찰(考察)

  • An Hyeon-Guk (Dept. of Oriental Neuropsychiatry,College of Oriental medicine, Dong-Guk University) ;
  • Shin Yong-Hyun (Dept. of Oriental Neuropsychiatry,College of Oriental medicine, Dong-Guk University) ;
  • Gu Byeong-Su (Dept. of Oriental Neuropsychiatry,College of Oriental medicine, Dong-Guk University)
  • 안현국 (동국대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과학교실) ;
  • 신용현 (동국대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과학교실) ;
  • 구병수 (동국대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과학교실)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


The purpose of this thesis is to make manifest the relation of Gigong- Yangsaeng(good life) and The old-health care, and through the conclusion, to study that how much the method of Gigong-Yangsaeng con entertain with refreshments to the stop of being old. Especially this thesis managed to divide the effect of the stop of being old by Gigong-Yangsaeng 3 parts and studied, the first effect is mental that, the second effect is the increase of immunity and the third effect is that of the stop of being old by chemical reaction.The results were as follows:The purpose of the method of Gigong-Yangsaeng is to increase the strength of human body and to resist disease and live long by training and practicing ourselves'Gi(energy of power), People call the method of good life and being old like this Gigong-Yangsaeng. Gigong-Yangsaeng is a method of Yangsaeng(good life) to pull off the purpose of being healthy and strong. We can get some effects of Gigong-Yangsaeng by uniting human mind and body into one. Entirely the key of those effects depends on Jo-sin(to control human body). Jo-sik(to control breath). Jo-sim(to control human mind).



  1. 黃帝內徑素問今釋 王琦(외)(編著)
  2. 黃帝內徑解釋 陽維傑
  3. 黃帝內徑素問譯解 陽維傑
  4. 精校 黃帝內徑 洪元植
  5. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  6. 類經(上) 張介賓
  7. 肝系內科學 金秉雲(外)
  8. 동의학사전 과학백과사전종합출판사(재편집)
  9. 한의학 사전 傳統醫學硏究所
  10. 抱朴子 葛洪(著);張泳暢(編譯)
  11. 老子 金學主(譯解)
  12. 養生에 관한 문헌적 고찰 이남구
  13. 중국 경기공 박종관
  14. 건강기공 이동현
  15. 기의 심리학 김재은
  16. 기의 불가사의 池上政治(著);이길환(譯)
  17. 道藏氣功要集(下) 洪丕謨(編)
  18. 中醫氣功學 宋天彬;劉元亮(主編)
  19. 實用中醫保健學 張奇文(主編)
  20. 新編氣功知識問答 張靑(編著)
  21. 嚴新氣功學텍스트 前新;培金(編著);嚴新監修 문준철(譯)
  22. 中國氣功 林厚省(著);임준규(譯)
  23. 中醫臨床大全 陽思澍(外)(編著)
  24. CHINESE KIGONG 3기 小兒多動症의 病機와 治療 莊一渠
  25. the journal of kigong medical society v.1 no.1 기공학 발달에 관한 문헌적 연구 김우현
  26. CHINESE KIGONG 2期 內養功 “對 肺心病患者 肺功能影響的觀察 顧逸煌
  27. CHINESE KIGONG 3期 知能氣功輕減大鼠實驗 性癲癎發作的硏究 柳家洪;王淑萍;王松巖;張世儀