배풍등(排風藤)이 $CCl_4$ 유발된 mouse의 간손상(肝損傷)에 미치는 영향

Effects of Solanum lyratum on The $CCl_4$-indused$ Liver Damage in mice

  • 발행 : 2000.12.05


This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Solanum lyratum Extract (SLE) on the recovery of liver in $CCI_{4}-intoxicated$ mice. In this study, ICR-Mice were divided into 3 experimental groups; Normal group was fed basal diet and was fed bassal diet for 2 Weeks, sample group was injected $CCl_{4}\;(0.6m{\ell}/kg)$ and was fed basal diet for 2 weeks, sample group was injected $CCl_{4}\;(0.6m{\ell}/kg)$ and was fed the SLE 500mg/kg fod 2 Weeks. In sample group, the level of serum AST, ALT, ALP activity decreased significantly compared with control group. This results suggest that SLE has appreciable therapeutic effect on $CCI_4$ induced hepatotoxicity. In sample group, the level of LPO in liver homogenates decreased significantly compared with control group. In sample group. the level of GSH, catalase in liver homogenates increased significantly compared with control group. This results suggest that SLE has appreciable antioxidant effect on $CCI_4induced hepatotoxicity. In conclusion the results suggest that SLE has appreciable therapeutic effect and antioxidant effect on $CCI_4$ induced hepatotoxicity.



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