Study on Tiangui(天癸)Focusing on the ${\ulcorner}$Neijing${\lrcorner}$(內經) commentators' views

천계(天癸)에 대한 연구 -내경(內經) 주석가(注釋家)들의 견해(見解)를 중심으로-

  • 이용범 (상지대학교 한의과대학 원전.의사학교실) ;
  • 허기회 (상지대학교 한의과대학 원전.의사학교실)
  • Published : 2000.12.23


The meaning of Tiangui(天癸) in $Suwen{\cdot}Shanggutianzhenlun\;素問{\cdot}上古天眞論$ is very important because it has the cause of 'having a child' and it shows the signs to being healthy. But until now there have been many arguments about what the correct meaning of Tiangui is. The most important thing in these arguments is to compare and analyze Neijing(內經) commentators' views, and to understand differences between their views. So I compared and analyzed by focusing on Neijing(內經) text, the other books with explanatory notes, and other commentators' views, and, after that. I got the following results. 1. On the meaning of Tian(天), Wangbing(王氷) and Mashi(馬蒔) considered that it is inborn. Zhangjiecong(張志聽) considered it as the Yang(陽) producing Yin(陰) Zhangjiebin(張介賓) regarded it as the Yang(陽) of Gua symbol. On the meaning of the Gui(癸). Zhangjiebin(張介賓) said that it is Yin qi(陰氣) which is the prior step to Xing(形). Mashi(馬蒔) and Zhangzhicong(張志聽) said that it is spirit or Jingxue(spiritual sanguine) which is the concrete constituents in our body. 2. On the relation bet ween Tian(天) and Gui(癸), Mashi(馬蒔) and Zhangzhicong(張志聽) said that Gui(癸) is made from Tian(天), and Zhangjiebin(張介賓) said that Tian is intrinsic in Gui(癸). 3. On the relation between Tiangui(天癸) and Jingxue(精血), Yangshangshan(楊上善). Wangbing(王氷), and Zhangjiebin(張介賓) regarded Tiangui(天癸) as a concrete matter which is the prior step to becoming Jingxue(精血). Mashi(馬蒔) and Zhangjiecong(張志聽) considered Tiangui(天癸) as a concrete matter. Mashi(馬蒔) considered Tiangui(天癸) as Jing(精)which is directly related to pregnancy. Zhangjiecong(張志聽) regarded Tiangui(天癸) as Jingxue(精血) which controls general physiology of men and women. 4. On the function of Tiangui(天癸), Yangshangshan(楊上善) and Wangbing(王氷) considered that Tiangui (天癸) has relation to menstruation. pregnancy. and, production and extinction of Jing(精). Zhangjiecong(張志聽) argued that Tiangui(天癸) strengthens and warms muscle and derma. and controls differential physiology between men and women, and said that the maintenance of its activity is based on the acquired spirit of food. A book of 『Huangti Neijing Yanjiu Dacheng(黃帝內經硏究大成)』 said that the function of Tiangui(天癸) is to promote generation, to develop the second sexual symbol, and to make growing and aging in body. It also said that Tiangui(天癸) has some relation to kidney and other organs, Chong Meridian, Ren Meridian, Du Meridian, and Dai Meridian. 5. Other commentators of 『Neijing(內經)』 accepted the meaning of Tiangui(天癸) as the prior step of both man's spiritual overflowing and woman's menstruation. 6. On the relation between Tiangui(天癸). and, Cheng and Ren Meridians, Yangshangshan(楊上善) and Zhangjiecong(張志聽) said that Tiangui(天癸) has direct relation with two meridians. Wangbing(王氷) said that Tiangui(天癸) and two meridians have no direct relation. Now I compared commentaors' views of Tiangui(天癸) and studied the differences between their views. I concluded that on the concept of Tiangui(天癸), Zhangjiebin(張介賓)'s explanations express well its connotative meaning. And on the function of Tiangui (天癸), Zhangjiecong(張志聽)'s explanations are excellent because he organized well his seniors' views, and extended its meaning by showing Neijing(內經)'s phrases related to Chong and Ren Meridians. Also, Mashi(馬蒔) suggested that if Tiangui(天癸) comes earlier than normal. people will die soon. But I think that more studies on male and female bodies are needed as to Mashi(馬蒔)'s argument.



  1. 黃帝內經素問直解 高士宗(著);于天星(接)
  2. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.17 no.2 月經의 開始와 閉止에 關與하는 天癸의 東西醫學的 考察 김은기(外 2인)
  3. 素問識 丹波元簡(等編)
  4. 부인과학 대한산부인과학회교과서 편찬위원회
  5. 黃帝內經素問注證發微 馬蒔(撰);田代華(主校)
  6. 黃帝內經素問校釋 山東中醫學院(等 校釋)
  7. 東醫生理學會誌 v.14 no.2 歷代醫家說을 중심으로 살펴본 天癸에 관한 문헌연구 안종은(外1人)
  8. 黃帝內經太素 楊上善(撰)
  9. 黃帝內經素問吳注評釋 吳崑(撰);張繼有(等 編審)
  10. 黃帝內經素問校注 王빙(撰);郭靄春(主編)
  11. 黃帝內經硏究大成 王洪圖(總主編)
  12. 欽定四庫全書 v.44 類經圖翼 張介賓(著)
  13. 欽定四庫全書 v.44 類經附翼 張介賓(著)
  14. 類經 張介賓(編著)
  15. 張志聰醫學全書 鄭林(主編)
  16. 上海中醫藥雜志 v.5期 再論天癸爲天眞之傳誤 趙有臣
  17. 上海中醫藥雜志 v.9期 天癸新探 趙有臣
  18. 素問補識 胡天雄(著)