Edge Flame : Why Is It So Hot in Combustion?

  • 김종수 (한국과학기술연구원 환경공정연구부)
  • Published : 2000.12.31


A turbulent combustion model, based on edge flame dynamics, is discussed in order to predict global extinction of turbulent flames. The model is applicable to the broken flamelet regime of turbulent combustion, in which global extinction of turbulent flame is achieved by gradual expansion of flame holes. The edge flame dynamics is the key mechanism to describe the flame hole expansion or contraction. For flames with Lewis numbers near unity, there is a $Damk{\ddot{o}}hler$ number, namely the crossover $Damk{\ddot{o}}hler$ number, at which edge flame changes its direction of propagation. The parametric region between the quasi-steady extinction condition and the edge-flame crossover condition is a metastable region, in that flames without edge can stay in their burning states while flames with edge have to retract to expand quenching holes. Using the above properties of edge flame, Hartley and Dold proposed a Lagrangian hole dynamics, which allows us to simulate transient variation of quenching holes. In their model, each stoichiometric surface is subjected to a random sequence of scalar dissipation rate compatible to the equilibrium turbulence. Then, each stoichiometric surface will evolve, according to the combustion map, dependent on the scalar dissipation rate and existence of flame edge, If all the burning surfaces are annihilated, the event can be declared as a global extinction. The consequence obtained from the above model also can be used as a subgrid model to determine local extinction occurring in a calculation grid.
