여성주의 사회복지실천의 정립을 위한 고찰

A Study on the Examination of Feminist Social Work Practice

  • 김인숙 (가톨릭대학교 사회복지학과)
  • Kim, In-Sook (The Catholic University of Korea/Dept. of Social Welfare)
  • 발행 : 2000.05.31


The purpose of this study was to introduce major contents and examine the feminist social work practice. Feminist social work practice has never been introduced and applied to social work fields in Korea. By contrast, it has been developed and expanded in advanced Western countries. Feminist social work was emerged under the influence of worldwide Women's Movement on the end of 1960's. After the time, there were critics of existing social work practice by feminist, increase in interest of women's issues, development of principles and methods in feminist social work practice. Feminist social work practice brought, transformative change, application of gender perspectives to social work practice. Also, it offered the visions for 'integrative practice', accepted the alternative principles and methods, and enriched 'theory-practice'. As the result, feminist social work practice contributed to solving or alleviating the problems of many clients, especially women clients. These evidences suggest that feminist social work practice has the possibility of holding an position as a new alternative social work practice.
