Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology (한국식품과학회지)
- Volume 32 Issue 4
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- Pages.828-833
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- 2000
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- 0367-6293(pISSN)
Shelf Life Extension of White Rice Cake and Wet Noodle by the Treatment with Chitosan
키토산 처리에 의한 흰떡과 생면의 저장성 연장
- Lee, Jang-Wook (Department of Food Engineering and Food Industrial Technology Research Center, Mokpo National University) ;
- Lee, Hyang-Hee (Department of Food engineering and Food Industrial Technology Research Center, Mokpo National University) ;
Rhim, Jong-Whan
(Department of Food engineering and Food Industrial Technology Research Center, Mokpo National University)
- Published : 2000.08.30
The effect of treatments with alcohol, chitosan, or with both alcohol and chitosan for extending the shelf-life of Korean white rice cake and wet noodle was investigated by measuring quality changes such as total microbial count, pH, and sensory qualities. Total microbial counts for control, alcohol-treated, and 1% lactic acid-treated white rice cakes exceeded the initial putrefactive criterion level of
흰떡과 생면의 저장성을 연장 시키기 위하여 주정 처리와 키토산 처리 및 주정과 키토산의 병용처리를 하여 저장기간에 따른 품질의 변화를 조사하였다. 흰떡의 경우 아무 처리를 하지 않은 대조구는 6일, 주정처리는 27일에 총세균수의 기준치인