The Geometrical Analysis of Vibration Modes and Frequency Responses of an Elastically Suspended Optical Disc Drive

탄성적으로 지지된 광디스크 드라이버의 진동모드와 주파수 응답의 기하적 해석

  • Published : 2000.02.01


Via screw theory, a vibration mode can be geometrically interpreted as a pure rotation about the vibration center in a plane and as a twisting motion on a screw in a three dimensional space. In thi s paper, applying the conditions that can be used to diagonalize the stiffness matrix by a parallel axis congruence transformation, the vibration modes and frequency response of an elastically suspended optical disc drive have been analyzed. It is first shown that the system has one plane of symmetry, which enables one to decouple the complicated vibration modes into two sets of modes independent of each other. Having obtained the analytical solutions for the axes of vibrations, the frequency response for a given applied input force has been demonstrated. Most importantly, it has been explained that this research result could be used in the synthesis process of a linear vibration system in order to improve the frequency response.



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